Bill Payments

Automation is everything. Sometimes, we can only see how far we’ve come by looking back at the way things were. Paying bills was a laborious task that required precision to get it right. Banks closed in the middle of the afternoon and were closed all weekend, when people had time to visit them.

Fast forward to the third millennium and we’re now comfortable with making direct debit payments online. We’re very happy that our outgoings can be organised in minutes.

Prompt Payments

One of the secrets to living efficiently and effectively is to make your payments on time. With modern banking practices, we can pay a credit card bill – or rather set the payment to come out automatically – in seconds. The repercussions of getting this wrong are enormous. A late payment of a credit card bill brings with it hefty fees and the credit card companies can be fierce about implementing them. Having to pay a late payment fee can be expensive, but the impact on your credit score can be long lasting.

It's not only credit card payments that can be made easier with automated payments. Bill payment online can be quick and easy and there’s often a choice of what day you’d like your payment to come out on. For those paid monthly, it might be a simple matter of paying all of your bills in the first few days of being paid. For freelancers or portfolio workers, you can set your online bill payments across the month – much like your invoices.

Signing Up to Subscriptions

The world has moved on in terms of the bills that we’re prepared to pay as well. Streaming services, such as Spotify and Netflix, have soared in popularity over the last decade. It’s in part due to the endless stream of content that we now welcome into our homes, but these companies have made it easy to sign up and frictionless to set up subscription payments in a matter of seconds. They leave our account automatically, with the only indications of a recurring payment being a notification to your smartphone and uninterrupted service delivery.

Zending in Seconds

At Zend, we take our automation very seriously. We know that you need to rely on us to make sure payments go out as and when they’re scheduled, so that you can keep your part of the contract with your suppliers.

That’s why we’ve made it so easy to set payments up. Whether you want to make sure you’re bills all get paid on the same day - including mortgage and rent payments – or you want your payments to drip feed from your account, or you’re tied to making payments on days set by your provider, Zend make sure that your bill and subscription payment is seamless.